Hur tillverkas och tillverkas bänkskivor i kvarts?

Hur tillverkas och tillverkas bänkskivor i kvarts?

Den 23 nov 2023
Quartz countertops are an increasingly popular option these days. They are beautiful, durable, and easy to take care of, making them a great choice for many homeowners. What you may not know is the material used in these countertops is man-made. Unlike granite or marble, quartz counters are a mixture of different materials. This means manufacturers can create unlimited designs and colors, so you’ll have many options to choose from if you decide to go with a Bänkskiva i kvarts.
  Var kommer naturlig kvarts ifrån?

Kvarts är ett naturligt förekommande mineral som vanligtvis finns i många typer av stenar. Detta inkluderar de magmatiska, metamorfa och sedimentära bergarter som du förmodligen lärde dig om i din naturvetenskapsklass på gymnasiet.

Because quartz is a very hard material, it does not erode like the surrounding rock material. As a result, over time the rocky material erodes and leaves the quartz behind. You’ve probably seen this before. Most white sandy beaches are made of quartz eroded out of rock.

Medan ren kvarts är transparent i färgen, innehåller många typer av kvarts andra inneslutningar som ändrar färgen på kvartsen, med färger som varierar från vitt, grått, rosa och lila. Det bryts ofta från ådror som finns under jordens yta. 

  Hur tillverkas bänkskivor i kvarts?

A lot of people love Quartz but are always asking, How are Quartz Countertops Manufactured? Quartz Slabs are made & manufactured using Bretonstone Technology, a process that many different quartz manufacturers employ to create the finest kvarts plattas known to man.

The process starts when Pure White Quartz is mined from the Earth. The quarried pieces of Quartz then make their way to Manufacturing Facilities  Next, Quality Control Technicians sort the quartz into varying shades of white, choosing only the highest quality and pure white pieces to be made into kvarts plattas.  These hand-selected pieces of quartz are then ground down into varying sizes, from Bean-sized chunks, all the way down to Sand, and the varying sediment levels between.

Once this is complete, the quartz pieces are aggregated together using the Bretonstone technology as mentioned above.  Binder is added to the mixture, while air is simultaneously vacuumed out of the mixture through vibration.  After all the air has been vacuumed out, the slabs are then pressed into the desired slab sizes and baked at high heat.  This is what creates Slabs that are denser than traditional Granite Slabs, while also being Non-Porous.

This manufacturing process,  used by almost every Quartz Countertop Manufacturers, ensures the gorgeous natural colors of the design are locked in within every inch of the material—creating unparalleled consistency from piece to piece. And because the slabs are kiln-fired at nearly 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit, all surfaces resist stains and scratches better than any other natural quartz while providing stellar stain protection from spills or contact with various household objects.

  Leverantörer av Goldtop kvartssten.

Vi är en professionell tillverkare och leverantör av bänkskivor i kvartssten med 20 års erfarenhet. Vi levererar för närvarande mer än 200 typer av kvartssten i olika färger, vilket ger design, logistik, dörr-till-dörr-service, installation och underhållstjänster. Gratis prover tillhandahålls, välkommen att kontakta oss!

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